Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine

What is a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine?

A Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine is a specialized piece of equipment used in the construction and manufacturing industries. It is specifically designed to produce metal door frames by bending and forming metal sheets into desired shapes and sizes. Through a series of rollers and dies, the metal is progressively shaped into a final product. Let’s delve deeper into its core components and working principle:

  1. Core Components
    • Feeding Mechanism: Ensures that the metal sheets are introduced into the machine evenly.
    • Roll Forming Unit: Consists of a series of rollers that progressively shape the metal.
    • Cutting Mechanism: This is used to cut the formed metal into specific lengths.
    • Control System: A computerized unit that allows operators to set parameters like size, shape, and length.
  2. Working Principle
    • The metal sheet, often steel or aluminum, is fed into the machine.
    • As the sheet progresses through the machine, each set of rollers bends it a little more than the previous set.
    • Once the metal sheet has passed through all the rollers, it has been shaped into a door frame.
    • The cutting mechanism then slices it to the desired length.
  3. Materials Used
    • Most commonly, cold-rolled steel, galvanized steel, or aluminum is used. The choice of material depends on the final application and desired properties of the door frame.
  4. Safety Features
    • Modern machines are equipped with safety sensors and emergency stop buttons to prevent accidents.
    • Some machines also have a protective barrier around the rollers to prevent direct contact with them.
  5. Benefits of Using the Machine
    • Efficient production of metal door frames at a rapid pace.
    • Uniform and consistent product quality.
    • Reduction in material wastage due to precision cutting.
  6. Applications
    • The primary application is the production of door frames for buildings, but the machine can also be adjusted to produce window frames or other similar products.

How Much Does a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine Cost?

When considering the purchase of a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine, one of the most pressing questions is the cost. This is a significant investment, and understanding the factors influencing the price can guide you in making an informed decision. The price range can vary widely based on various factors. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Size and Capacity
    • Larger machines with a higher production capacity generally cost more than smaller models.
  2. Automation Level
    • Fully automated machines, with computerized controls and minimal manual intervention, come at a premium.
  3. Brand and Manufacturer
    • Established brands with a reputation for quality and reliability might price their machines higher.
  4. Material and Construction
    • Machines constructed with high-grade materials, ensuring longevity and durability, will have a steeper price.
  5. Additional Features
    • Features like safety enhancements, advanced control systems, or energy-saving mechanisms can add to the cost.
  6. Maintenance and Warranty
    • Machines that come with extended warranties or include regular maintenance services might be priced higher.
  7. Shipping and Installation
    • Depending on where the machine is manufactured and where it needs to be installed, shipping costs can significantly influence the total price.

To provide a clearer understanding, here’s a table that gives a general price range for different types of Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machines:

Machine TypeSpecific BrandPrice Range (USD)
Small Scale, Semi-AutomatedBrand A$20,000 – $50,000
Medium Scale, Semi-AutomatedBrand B$50,000 – $80,000
Large Scale, Fully AutomatedBrand C$80,000 – $150,000
Industrial Grade, Fully AutomatedBrand D$150,000 – $250,000

It’s essential to note that these prices are indicative and can vary based on the factors mentioned earlier. When making a purchase decision, always consult with the manufacturer or supplier, ask for quotations, and consider the machine’s total lifetime cost, including maintenance and operational costs.

metal door frame roll forming machine
Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine 3

What Are the Types of Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machines?

The metal door frame roll forming machine industry has evolved to accommodate a variety of requirements in construction and manufacturing. Different types of machines cater to specific needs and applications. Let’s delve into the main categories of these machines:

  1. Semi-Automated Machines:
    • Usage: Suitable for small to medium-sized operations or businesses just entering the door frame production industry.
    • Features: These machines may require some manual intervention in feeding the metal sheet or adjusting the rollers. They are generally easier to set up and have fewer components than their fully automated counterparts.
    • Price Range: $20,000 to $50,000
  2. Fully Automated Machines:
    • Usage: Ideal for large-scale operations where high production volume and precision are essential.
    • Features: Advanced computerized control systems ensure minimal manual intervention, with consistent and high-quality output. They often come with additional safety and energy-saving features.
    • Price Range: $80,000 to $150,000
  3. Customized Machines:
    • Usage: For manufacturers with unique requirements, such as producing specialized door frames or incorporating unique designs.
    • Features: Customized to suit specific needs, these machines can include additional components or features not found in standard models.
    • Price Range: Varies based on customization, but generally upwards of $100,000
  4. Compact Machines:
    • Usage: For businesses with space constraints or mobile operations.
    • Features: These are smaller in size, yet they don’t compromise much on functionality. They might have a slightly reduced production capacity compared to larger counterparts.
    • Price Range: $10,000 to $30,000
  5. Industrial Grade Machines:
    • Usage: For large manufacturing units that produce door frames on an industrial scale.
    • Features: Built for durability, longevity, and high-volume production. They might come with additional components for quality assurance and intricate design formation.
    • Price Range: $150,000 to $250,000

When selecting a type, it’s crucial to consider your production needs, budget constraints, and future expansion plans. With a clear understanding of each type’s features and cost, you can make a more informed decision.

Functions of Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machines

Metal door frame roll forming machines, given their specialized nature, serve multiple functions beyond just shaping metal sheets. Their integrated components and advanced systems ensure a streamlined production process. Here are the primary functions of these machines:

  1. Metal Bending and Shaping:
    • The core function is to transform flat metal sheets into door frames. The series of rollers exerts pressure on the metal, bending and shaping it with each pass.
  2. Cutting to Precision:
    • Once the metal sheet is shaped, it needs to be cut into desired lengths. The integrated cutting mechanism ensures precise cuts, reducing wastage.
  3. Punching and Embossing:
    • Some machines come equipped with punching and embossing tools. This allows for creating holes or designs on the door frames, enhancing their aesthetic or functional aspects.
  4. Control and Automation:
    • Advanced machines have computerized control systems that allow operators to input specific parameters, ensuring uniformity in production. This automation also reduces manual intervention, increasing efficiency.
  5. Safety Operations:
    • Modern machines incorporate safety sensors and emergency stop mechanisms. These prevent accidents, ensuring the safety of operators.
  6. Material Handling:
    • Some advanced models come with automated material handling systems. This includes feeding the metal sheets and handling the finished products, streamlining the entire process.

With these multifaceted functions, metal door frame roll forming machines play a crucial role in the construction and manufacturing sectors. They ensure that the production process is efficient, consistent, and safe.

Applications of Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machines

Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machines have revolutionized the construction and manufacturing sectors. Their efficiency, precision, and adaptability have paved the way for various applications. Dive into the primary applications of these machines:

  1. Residential Construction:
    • Homes today require strong and durable door frames. These machines churn out frames that are resistant to wear and tear, ensuring safety and longevity for residential buildings.
  2. Commercial Construction:
    • Whether it’s offices, malls, or hospitals, the need for sturdy and aesthetically pleasing door frames is paramount. These machines can be adjusted to produce frames of different sizes and designs to cater to this sector.
  3. Industrial Construction:
    • Factories and warehouses require door frames that can withstand heavy usage. The machines produce frames tailored for such intensive applications.
  4. Customized Door Frames:
    • With customization being a trend, these machines can be adapted to manufacture frames with unique designs, colors, or materials, catering to niche markets or high-end clientele.
  5. Integrated Building Solutions:
    • Some advanced machines can produce more than just door frames. With slight modifications, they can be used to create window frames, panels, and other building components, offering integrated solutions for construction projects.
  6. Mobile Construction Units:
    • Compact versions of these machines can be used in mobile construction units or in locations with space constraints. They enable on-site production, reducing transportation costs and ensuring timely project completion.
  7. Manufacture of Security Doors:
    • With safety being a prime concern, there’s a rising demand for security doors. These machines can produce frames that are reinforced, providing an added layer of protection.
  8. Educational and Training Purposes:
    • Given their importance in the modern construction scenario, these machines are also used in educational institutions. Students and professionals are trained on their operations, ensuring a skilled workforce for the industry.

The adaptability and efficiency of Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machines have led to their widespread usage. From standard residential projects to high-end customized solutions, their applications are diverse, making them an indispensable tool in the modern construction and manufacturing landscape.

How Does a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine Benefit You?

The manufacturing and construction industries are in constant pursuit of innovation, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The introduction of the Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine has proven to be a game-changer in these sectors. Here’s how these machines can offer substantial benefits to businesses and professionals:

  1. Increased Production Speed:
    • Traditional methods of producing metal door frames involve multiple stages, manual labor, and more extended periods. In contrast, these machines streamline the production process, churning out door frames at a much faster rate. This means quicker turnaround times and the capability to handle larger orders with ease.
  2. Consistency and Precision:
    • One of the challenges with manual production is maintaining uniformity, especially when producing in bulk. These machines, with their computerized control systems, ensure that every door frame produced is consistent in size, shape, and quality. Such precision reduces errors and material wastage.
  3. Cost-Efficiency:
    • Although the initial investment in the machine might seem significant, the long-term savings are substantial. With reduced labor costs, minimal wastage, and increased production speed, businesses can achieve better profit margins.
  4. Versatility:
    • The adaptability of these machines is noteworthy. They can be adjusted to produce different sizes and designs of door frames. This flexibility allows manufacturers to cater to various market needs without needing multiple machines.
  5. Safety Enhancements:
    • Manual production processes always come with safety risks. Automated machines, with their in-built safety features like sensors and emergency stop mechanisms, drastically reduce workplace accidents. This not only ensures the safety of operators but can also reduce potential legal liabilities for businesses.
  6. Environmental Benefits:
    • The precision of these machines leads to minimal material wastage. This efficient use of resources is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. By producing less scrap metal, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint.
  7. Competitive Edge:
    • In a market where timely delivery and product quality are paramount, having an efficient production system gives businesses a competitive advantage. They can promise shorter delivery times and consistent product quality, enhancing their market reputation.

How to Choose a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine?

For businesses in the construction and manufacturing sectors, investing in a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine can be a significant decision. Choosing the right machine is crucial for optimal results. Here’s a comprehensive guide on making an informed choice:

  1. Understand Your Production Needs:
    • Start by assessing your production volume. For small to medium-sized operations, a semi-automated machine might suffice. However, larger manufacturers may require fully automated, industrial-grade machines. Also, consider any future expansion plans.
  2. Features and Specifications:
    • Delve into the technical aspects. Look for machines that offer advanced control systems, safety features, and energy-saving mechanisms. Additionally, check if the machine can be adapted for other products like window frames.
  3. Budget Constraints:
    • While it’s essential to get a machine that meets your needs, it’s equally important to stay within budget. Get quotations from multiple suppliers and analyze the cost-to-feature ratio.
  4. Brand Reputation and Reviews:
    • Opt for brands with a solid market reputation. Check reviews, ask for client testimonials, and if possible, visit facilities where the machine is already in use.
  5. After-Sales Support and Warranty:
    • Machines, over time, will require maintenance and potential repair. Ensure that the manufacturer offers robust after-sales support. A warranty is also a testament to the machine’s quality.
  6. Customization Options:
    • Some manufacturers offer customization options. If you have unique production requirements, explore this avenue. Customizations can range from design adjustments to incorporating additional components.

To assist in the decision-making process, here’s a table comparing three popular brands based on crucial factors:

Factor/BrandBrand XBrand YBrand Z
Price Range$50,000-$80,000$60,000-$90,000$70,000-$100,000
Automation LevelSemi-AutomatedFully AutomatedFully Automated
Warranty2 years3 years5 years

With this guide, businesses can navigate the complexities of choosing the right Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine, ensuring a return on investment and seamless production.

Where to Buy a Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine?

The decision to invest in a metal door frame roll forming machine is not just about understanding the benefits or selecting the right features; it’s also about knowing where to buy. With the plethora of manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers in the market, it becomes imperative to identify trusted sources. Here’s a guide on navigating the purchasing journey:

  1. Manufacturer Direct Purchases:
    • Some businesses prefer to buy directly from manufacturers. This ensures that the product comes straight from the source, often translating to lower costs. Direct purchases also often provide the option for customization based on specific needs.
  2. Authorized Dealers and Distributors:
    • Manufacturers often have a network of authorized dealers. These dealers are trained and well-informed about the products they sell. They may also offer local support, installation services, and after-sales assistance.
  3. Online Marketplaces:
    • The digital age has made it possible to buy heavy machinery from online platforms. Websites like Alibaba, Made-in-China, and others list multiple suppliers and provide detailed product information, reviews, and sometimes even direct chat options with sellers.
  4. Trade Shows and Exhibitions:
    • These are excellent avenues to explore various machines, witness live demonstrations, and engage directly with manufacturers and suppliers. It’s also a chance to compare different models side-by-side.
  5. Local Machinery Stores:
    • Some specialized machinery retailers operate brick-and-mortar stores in various locations. Visiting these stores provides a tactile experience, although their range might be limited.
  6. Referrals and Recommendations:
    • Other businesses in the industry can be a good source of information. Ask for recommendations on where they bought their machines and their experiences with those suppliers.

Product Advantages of Chinese Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine

China’s dominance in the manufacturing sector is well-known. In the realm of metal door frame roll forming machines, Chinese manufacturers have carved a significant niche for themselves, offering products that stand out for several reasons:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness:
    • Chinese manufacturing units often operate at large scales, translating to economies of scale. This allows them to offer competitive prices without compromising on quality.
  2. Advanced Technology Integration:
    • Many Chinese manufacturers, in their bid to stay competitive, integrate the latest technologies into their machines. This ensures efficiency, precision, and a reduced need for manual intervention.
  3. Customization Flexibility:
    • Chinese manufacturers are known for their flexibility in accommodating client requests. Whether it’s a tweak in design or the addition of a specific component, they’re often willing to customize.
  4. Robust Quality Control:
    • Contrary to some misconceptions, many Chinese manufacturers adhere to strict quality control standards. Machines undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet global standards.
  5. Wide Range of Options:
    • The sheer number of manufacturers in China means a broader variety of machines. This variety ensures that businesses of all scales and needs can find a product that suits them.
  6. Export-Readiness:
    • Given that a significant chunk of their products is for export, Chinese manufacturers are well-versed with international shipping, documentation, and other logistics.
  7. Comprehensive After-Sales Support:
    • Chinese manufacturers often provide detailed user manuals, installation guides, and troubleshooting assistance. Many also offer remote support and have service networks in various countries.
  8. Innovative Features:
    • In a bid to stand out, manufacturers often incorporate unique features into their machines, making them more user-friendly, efficient, or versatile.
metal door frame roll forming machine
Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine 4

Best Chinese Metal Door Frame Roll Forming Machine Supplier

When discussing leading suppliers from China in the domain of metal door frame roll forming machines, one cannot overlook Sussman Machinery(Wuxi)Co., Ltd. Founded around two decades ago, this company has etched its mark in the sector with a focus on innovation, quality, and customer-centricity.

  1. Specialization:
    • Sussman Machinery(Wuxi)Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing shape steel cold roll forming machines. Their depth of knowledge is a testament to their 20 years in the business.
  2. Diverse Product Range:
    • From steel structure machines, racking upright machines, and shelf box panel machines to advanced systems like automatic Cutting and Punching C Z shape roll forming machines and PU foam sandwich panel machines, their portfolio is expansive.
  3. Advanced Production:
    • Their technological prowess is evident in the modern production equipment they use. This guarantees products of the highest caliber, meeting and often exceeding industry standards.
  4. Holistic Services:
    • Apart from manufacturing, they also venture into exporting, international trade, and even provide a slitting line. Their service doesn’t end post-purchase; a mature after-sales work system ensures clients are never left in the lurch.
  5. Customization Capability:
    • Sussman Machinery understands that one size doesn’t fit all. Hence, they offer design customizations based on individual client requirements, ensuring maximum utility and satisfaction.

With a firm grounding in technological advancement and a keen understanding of market needs, Sussman Machinery(Wuxi)Co., Ltd. emerges as a top choice for businesses seeking efficient, reliable, and state-of-the-art metal door frame roll forming machines.


1. What materials can be used with a metal door frame roll forming machine?

Metal door frame roll forming machines primarily use steel coils, including cold-rolled steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel, and sometimes aluminum. The choice of material depends on the desired final product’s quality and finish.

2. How long does it take to produce a standard metal door frame using these machines?

The production time varies based on the machine’s speed, design complexity, and the length of the door frame. However, on average, a high-speed machine can produce a standard metal door frame in a matter of minutes.

3. Can the roll forming machine handle different door frame sizes and designs?

Yes, most modern roll forming machines are designed to be versatile and can handle different sizes and designs. Some machines come with adjustable rollers, while others might require a change in the tooling setup.

4. What’s the typical lifespan of a metal door frame roll forming machine?

With proper maintenance, a high-quality metal door frame roll forming machine can last for several decades. Regular servicing, timely replacement of worn-out parts, and adherence to the manufacturer’s guidelines can extend the machine’s operational life.

5. Is training necessary to operate these machines?

While the basic operation of these machines can be straightforward, training is often recommended to ensure efficient and safe usage. Proper training can also help in troubleshooting common issues and maximizing the machine’s output.

6. How do I maintain and clean my metal door frame roll forming machine?

Routine maintenance includes lubricating moving parts, checking the alignment of rollers, cleaning to remove any metal residues or debris, and inspecting for wear and tear. It’s essential to refer to the user manual provided by the manufacturer for specific maintenance instructions.

7. Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind while operating the machine?

Safety is paramount when working with heavy machinery. Operators should always wear protective gear, such as safety goggles, gloves, and ear protection. It’s also crucial to ensure that the work area is free from obstructions and to refrain from placing hands or objects near moving parts when the machine is operational. Always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.

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