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Overview of Batten Roll Forming Machines

Batten roll forming machines are used to produce battens from metal coils. Battens are long, thin strips of material used for various construction applications such as roofing, wall cladding, fencing, decking, and more.

Key details about batten roll forming machines:

  • Used to form metal coil into C, U, Z, and top hat profile battens continuously
  • Automated machines with roll forming stations to bend and shape profile
  • Available in manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic versions
  • Rollers are machined to required batten configurations
  • Produce battens at high speeds up to 120 m/min
  • Reduce labor and improve efficiency over traditional batten fabrication
  • Ideal for high volume batten production in metal building product manufacturing
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Types of Batten Roll Forming Machines

There are three main types of batten roll forming machines:

Manual Batten Roll Forming Machines

  • Operator feeds metal coil through machine rollers manually
  • Adjustable forming rollers for different batten sizes
  • Lower production output up to 20 m/min
  • Require more labor to operate
  • Used by small workshops with low volume requirements

Semi-Automatic Batten Roll Forming Machines

  • Automated coil feeding but manual offloading of battens
  • PLC control for setting batten parameters
  • Production speeds from 30-60 m/min
  • Require less labor than manual machines
  • Useful for medium production volumes

Fully Automatic Batten Roll Forming Machines

  • Fully automated coil feeding and batten offloading
  • Programmable PLC control of all functions
  • High production speeds over 60 m/min
  • Require minimal labor
  • Ideal for high volume industrial applications
  • Additional options like punching, cutting available

Key Characteristics of Batten Roll Forming Machines

Método de conformadoCold roll forming of metal coil into batten profiles
Espesor del metal0.3mm to 2.0mm mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc
Batten Width50mm to 400mm
Batten ProfileC, U, Z, Top Hat and custom profiles
Velocidad de producciónHasta 120 m/min
Length CapabilityUp to 8000mm long battens
AutomatizaciónManual, semi-automatic and fully automatic versions
RodillosMachined steel rollers in forming stations
ControlaMechanical or PLC based controls
Opciones adicionalesDecoiling, punching, cutting, counting, bundling

Applications and Uses of Batten Roll Forming Machines

Batten roll forming machines have many applications across metal building products manufacturing:

Roof BattensFor roofing sheets in pitched roofs
Wall BattensFor external wall cladding systems
Structural BattensIn steel frames for strength and rigidity
Fencing BattensMain rails in metal fence systems
Decking BattensSubstructure for outdoor decks
Ceiling BattensInterior ceiling suspension systems
Door/Window BattensFraming and reveals for doors/windows
Furniture BattensSupports in metal furniture designs
Sign Board BattensFor mounting signage and billboards

The key uses and benefits of using batten roll forming machines include:

  • High speed production of uniform battens in different sizes and profiles
  • Consistent quality batens compared to manual fabrication
  • Reduce manpower requirement for batten making
  • Flexibility to change profiles with adjustable rollers
  • Just in time batten production to avoid inventory costs
  • Lower costs compared to other batten production methods
  • Ideal for OEM manufacturers making products like roofing sheets, racks, panels etc.
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Batten Roll Forming Machine Specifications

Batten roll forming machines have the following typical specifications:

Ancho de bobina1000-1250mm
Coil Thickness0.3-2.0mm
Peso de la bobinaMax 10 tons
Batten Width50-400mm
Batten Thickness0.3-1.2mm
Batten Length800-8000mm
Velocidad de formación20-120m/min
Estaciones de rodillos10-16
Material del rodillo45# Steel
Diámetro del rodilloΦ140-Φ220mm
Ajuste del rodilloManual or Hydraulic
Main Drive7.5-15kw Motor
Tamaño de la máquina8-12m Length x 2m Width x 2m Height
Peso de la máquina8000-15000 kg

These specifications may vary across manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic batten roll forming machines.

Normas de diseño e ingeniería

Batten roll forming machines are designed to meet the following standards:

  • ISO 9001 – Quality management system
  • CE standards – Safety and regulatory compliance for machinery
  • IS 6760 – Indian standard for roll forming machines
  • ISO 12100 – Safety of machinery
  • ISO 13857 – Safety distances

The structural frame and components are designed for rigidity and vibration resistance during high speed operation. Rollers and tooling are machined to tight tolerances for profile precision. Drives, motors and PLCs are selected suitably rated for 24/7 operation. Safety interlocks, guards and emergency stops are incorporated per standards. Machines are factory tested before dispatch to customers.

Suppliers and Cost of Batten Roll Forming Machines

There are many manufacturers supplying batten roll forming machines worldwide. Here are some of the top suppliers:

ProveedorUbicaciónRango de precios
Shanghai metalformerChina$20000 – $100000
Anhui YudingChina$30000 – $180000
FONNTAIChina$50000 – $250000
MetformIndia$50000 – $350000
RollmechIndia$40000 – $150000
MTCItalia$60000 – $400000
FACCINItalia$90000 – $600000
Maquinaria SamcoREINO UNIDO$100000 – $500000

The price range generally varies from $20,000 to $500,000 based on:

  • Type : Manual, semi or fully automatic
  • Production speed and output requirement
  • Overall batten width capacity
  • Nivel de automatización y funciones adicionales
  • Reputed brands command higher prices
  • Local support and service availability

Batten roll forming machine cost is a long term investment that should be evaluated against total operational costs, labor savings, and production needs.

Instalación y funcionamiento

Proper installation and operation procedures are vital for optimum performance of batten roll forming machines:

  • Install machine on flat, leveled surface and anchor bolts
  • Ensure adequate space around for coil loading and batten offloading
  • Connect electric power supply according to specified rating
  • Commissioning by supplier’s technician is recommended
  • Train operators on machine controls, safety and procedures
  • Feed correct width coils of required metal thickness
  • Set batten width, profile, speed parameters
  • Oil and maintain rollers periodically
  • Ensure interlocks and guards functioning
  • Adhere to safety procedures during running, maintenance
  • Schedule preventive maintenance for drives, bearings, and tooling
  • Replace rollers when worn out or for profile change
  • Keep machine area clean and clear of metal scrap

Refer to the supplier manual for step-by-step instructions on installation, operation and maintenance.

How to Select a Batten Roll Forming Machine Supplier

Choosing the right batten roll forming machine supplier is key to get a high quality machine for maximum productivity. Here are factors to consider when selecting a supplier:

  • Technology: Supplier should have in-house engineering for machine design and roll tooling profiles. This ensures robust equipment customized to needs.
  • Experiencia: Number of years supplying batten machines and list of customers indicates expertise. Prefer over 10 years experience.
  • Production Capabilities: Supplier’s factory should have high precision fabrication and machining capabilities to produce quality machines.
  • Personalización: Ability to customize machine dimensions, add-ons, automation, and profiles for customer needs is important.
  • After Sales Service: Supplier should provide installation support, training, maintenance services, and spare parts easily. Local presence is better.
  • Reputación: Check supplier’s market reputation based on customer reviews, satisfaction and repeat orders. A reputed brand provides reliability.
  • Certifications: Quality certifications like ISO 9001 indicate standardized and controlled manufacturing procedures.
  • Coste: Compare machine prices between suppliers based on specifications and capabilities. Ensure value for money.
  • Garantía: Supplier should provide a 12 month warranty on manufacturing defects minimum.

By carefully evaluating batten roll forming machine suppliers on above parameters, buyers can select the right partner for their production needs and long term relationship.

Pros and Cons of Batten Roll Forming Machines

Batten roll forming machines offer significant advantages but also have some limitations to consider:

– High production speeds up to 120 m/min- Elevado coste de inversión inicial
– Consistent and uniform batten quality– Roll tooling required for new profiles
– Reduce labor for batten fabrication– Size limited by coil width capacity
– Low operational cost per batten– Regular maintenance required
– Just in time batten production– Skilled operators needed
– Minimum material wastage– Limited thickness and width capacity
– Low noise compared to other methods– Damaged coils can halt production
– Simple operation and maintenance– Cannot make complex custom profiles
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preguntas frecuentes

Q: What metal thickness can be formed into battens?

A: Batten roll forming machines can typically process 0.3mm to 2mm thick coils of mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum etc. The minimum and maximum thickness capability varies by machine model.

Q: What safety precautions are required for operation?

A: Operators should wear cut resistant gloves during coil loading/unloading. Safety goggles and closed shoes are mandatory. Ensure proper machine guarding is in place. Follow supplier’s safety guidelines.

Q: How to calculate batten production rate?

A: Batten output speed (m/min) x 60 min/hr x runtime (hr/shift) = Production length per shift (meters). For example at 90 m/min speed over 8 hour shift gives 90 x 60 x 8 = 43,200 meters.

Q: What maintenance is required?

A: Schedule periodic lubrication, inspection and replacement of rollers, bearings, seals and machine parts as per the manual. Keep machine area clean.

P: ¿Cuántos operarios se necesitan?

A: Typically 1-2 operators are needed for manual feeding and offloading. Fully automatic machines can run 24/7 with occasional supervision.

Q: Can custom profiles be produced?

A: Yes custom profiles can be produced but require fabricating new matched metal rollers with custom profiling.

P: ¿Cuál es el periodo de garantía ofrecido?

A: Most suppliers offer a 12 month warranty on manufacturing defects of the machine. Wear parts excluded. Local agents provide after sales support.


Batten roll forming machines are an efficient automated solution for high volume production of metal battens. They deliver significant advantages in speed, quality consistency, labor reduction, and overall costs compared to manual batten fabrication. With capabilities to produce various profiles from thin coiled metal continuously, these machines find wide application in roofing, walling, fencing, decking, framing and other building product manufacturing.

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